Is Map Your City Really Ad Free?

Is Map Your City really ad free? It is hard to believe there will be no ads running now or in the future, since all major social platforms run ads.

It is one of the most common concerns of our users. How can a marketing platform be free for everyone, have no ads and still be a considered a great platform for businesses to promote places. 

Well here is the thing. We really don't like ads ourselves. And to be honest - businesses don't need ads if they play the game right. Real marketing isn't about clever copy, it is about telling genuine engaging stories.

And there you have it. We have built Map Your City around telling stories - on a map. We love all businesses, ventures, artists, vloggers, dedicated professionals that day in day out want to share dare genuine stories with us and all of you.

If you don't run ads - how do you make money?

That is why we have opted for a business model that supports genuine storytelling and not quick ad revenues. 

We also think access to those stories should always be free, so you'll have access to Map Your City as long as you want. 

Nope we don't sell your data to make it work either. Your data stays safe with us, and we use it only to improve our product for all of you.

How do we make money? Well, we ask our storytellers for a membership fee, depending on what they are using. It is called a fair pricing policy. You don't pay for what you don't need or use. It is not the easiest road, but it is the fairest and we believe the most long term beneficial strategy.

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