How do I cancel my subscription

Maybe we are not a good fit and you wish to cancel your subscription with us then this info is for you. 

In this article

You are on a free subscription

We're of course sorry you wish to cancel your free subscription and we'll miss you. You don't need to do much to cancel it. Simply log out from the app. Once you log out and delete Map Your City from your phone you will not receive any more app messages from us.

Your account on Map Your City will remain registered and you are welcome to come back any time. We might continue to send you some emails to keep you updated, but you can unsubscribe from these emails any time.

You are on a paid subscription

If you are an owner of a community and subscribed to our Essentials membership plan all you need to do is click the "cancel plan" button in your "Plan & Credits" tab on your Web Dashboard. Or if you wish to downgrade some options (Plan Add-Ons) you can do that from your Web Dashboard too. Read all about that in the Price & Plan Guide

Your organization holds an Enterprise Membership with us

If you are on an Enterprise Membership please contact your dedicated account manager to help you with your request.

Forget me request (delete my account)

Maybe you would like us to forget everything about you or get access to the info we hold about you. 

If you would like us to delete your account, please contact us here with a formal request to delete your account. Please note that an account deletion request must come from the email address associated with the Map Your City account; otherwise, Map Your City Support will not be permitted to fulfill the deletion request.

Once an account is deleted, any files within that account will be lost, and we'll be unable to restore them. 

You may also request to access, correct, or amend information we hold about you by contacting us through the same contact form. We will give either you or a Member or Owner, access to any Personal Information we hold about them within 30 days of any request for that information. Read more about getting Access to your Personal Data in this article.

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